Source code for ffprobes3.ffprobes3

import os
import pathlib
# import pipes
# import platform
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
# import math

from ffprobes3.exceptions import FFProbeError

[docs]class FFProbes3: """ FFProbes3 wraps the ffprobe command and pulls the data into an object. For example: metadata = FFProbes3("this_is_a_multimedia_file.mp4') """ def __init__(self, video_file): self.video_file = pathlib.Path(video_file) if video_file.is_file(): # if str(platform.system()) == 'Windows': # cmd = ["ffprobe", "-show_streams", self.video_file] # else: # cmd = ["ffprobe -show_streams " + pipes.quote(self.video_file)] try: with open(os.devnull, 'w') as tempf: subprocess.check_call(["ffprobe", "-h"], stdout=tempf, stderr=tempf) except IOError as e: raise IOError('ffprobe not found.') cmd = ["ffprobe -show_streams " + shlex.quote(str(self.video_file))] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) self.format = None self.created = None self.duration = None self.start = None self.bitrate = None self.streams = [] = [] = [] data_lines = [] for a in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''): a = a.decode('UTF-8') if re.match(r'\[STREAM\]', a): data_lines = [] elif re.match(r'\[/STREAM\]', a): self.streams.append(FFStream(data_lines)) data_lines = [] else: data_lines.append(a) for a in iter(p.stderr.readline, b''): a = a.decode('UTF-8') if re.match(r'\[STREAM\]', a): data_lines = [] elif re.match(r'\[/STREAM\]', a): self.streams.append(FFStream(data_lines)) data_lines = [] else: data_lines.append(a) p.stdout.close() p.stderr.close() for a in self.streams: if a.is_audio(): if a.is_video(): else: raise IOError('No such media file ' + str(self.video_file))
[docs]class FFStream: """ An object representation of an individual stream in a multimedia file. :class:`FFStream` objects are created from :class:`FFProbes3` as it reads the file. The constructor creates a dynamic list of attributes, based on the "xx = yy" format of ffprobe's text output. For example, two lines of ffprobe's output like these:: avg_frame_rate=0/0 time_base=1/48000 will generate these :class:`FFStream`'s attributes:: avg_frame_rate time_base with these values:: 0/0 1/48000 :param list data_lines: list of lines from the output obtained from ffprobe """ def __init__(self, data_lines): for a in data_lines: (key, val) = a.strip().split('=') self.__dict__[key] = val
[docs] def is_audio(self): """ Is this stream labelled as an audio stream? """ val = False if self.__dict__['codec_type']: if str(self.__dict__['codec_type']) == 'audio': val = True return val
[docs] def is_video(self): """ Is the stream labelled as a video stream. """ val = False if self.__dict__['codec_type']: if self.__dict__['codec_type'] == 'video': val = True return val
[docs] def is_subtitle(self): """ Is the stream labelled as a subtitle stream. """ val = False if self.__dict__['codec_type']: if self.__dict__['codec_type'] == 'subtitle': val = True return val
[docs] def frame_size(self): """ Returns the pixel frame size as an integer tuple (width,height) if the stream is a video stream. Returns None if it is not a video stream. """ size = None if self.is_video(): width = self.__dict__['width'] height = self.__dict__['height'] if width and height: try: size = (int(width), int(height)) except ValueError: raise FFProbeError("None integer size %s:%s" % (width, height)) return size
[docs] def pixel_format(self): """ Returns a string representing the pixel format of the video stream. e.g. yuv420p. Returns none is it is not a video stream. """ f = None if self.is_video(): if self.__dict__['pix_fmt']: f = self.__dict__['pix_fmt'] return f
[docs] def frames(self): """ Returns the length of a video stream in frames. Returns 0 if not a video stream. """ frame_count = 0 if self.is_video() or self.is_audio(): try: # Easiest way: ffprobe reported it directly if self.__dict__['nb_frames'] != "N/A": frame_count = int(self.__dict__['nb_frames']) # Hard way: no ffprobe info, maybe some into metadata, let's check it out elif self.__dict__['TAG:DURATION']: match ="^(?:00|(\d\d)):?(?:00|(\d\d)):?(?:00|(\d\d))\.(\d+)", self.__dict__['TAG:DURATION']) if match: # This is an example of the TAG:DURATION field value: 00:03:50.070000000 if hours = frame_count += int(hours) * 60 * 60 if mins = frame_count += int(mins) * 60 if seconds = frame_count += int(seconds) # we know how many seconds the media lasts, let's try to find the fps and # calculate the number of frames # TODO: I can use the get_avg_frame_rate method too... I should detect if the fps are # fixed or average someway. fps = self.get_r_frame_rate() frame_count = frame_count * fps # TODO: This are the remaining frames, es. 070000000 in 00:03:50.070000000 # I don't know how to treat them: 070000000 = 7 frames? # if # frame_count += int( else: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise FFProbeError('None integer frame count') return frame_count
[docs] def duration_seconds(self): """ Returns the runtime duration of the video stream as a floating point number of seconds. Returns 0.0 if not a video stream. """ duration = 0.0 if self.is_video() or self.is_audio(): try: if self.__dict__['duration'] != "N/A": duration = float(self.__dict__['duration']) else: # TODO: Hard way, may not work everytime fps = self.get_avg_frame_rate() framenumbers = self.frames() duration = float(framenumbers / fps) except ValueError: raise FFProbeError('None numeric duration') return duration
[docs] def language(self): """ Returns language tag of stream. e.g. eng """ lang = None if self.__dict__['TAG:language']: lang = self.__dict__['TAG:language'] return lang
[docs] def codec(self): """ Returns a string representation of the stream codec. """ codec_name = None if self.__dict__['codec_name']: codec_name = self.__dict__['codec_name'] return codec_name
[docs] def codec_description(self): """ Returns a long representation of the stream codec. """ codec_d = None if self.__dict__['codec_long_name']: codec_d = self.__dict__['codec_long_name'] return codec_d
[docs] def codec_tag(self): """ Returns a short representative tag of the stream codec. """ codec_t = None if self.__dict__['codec_tag_string']: codec_t = self.__dict__['codec_tag_string'] return codec_t
[docs] def bit_rate(self): """ Returns bit_rate as an integer in bps """ b = 0 if self.__dict__['bit_rate']: try: b = int(self.__dict__['bit_rate']) except ValueError: raise FFProbeError('None integer bit_rate') return b
[docs] def get_r_frame_rate(self): """ Returns the fps value for the stream """ b = float(0) try: if self.__dict__['r_frame_rate']: # Check for a "/" sign in the string match ="(\d+)(?:/(\d+))?", self.__dict__['r_frame_rate']) if match: if # This is the numerator. es 30000 b = float( if # If present, we divide the above for this one (es. 1001) # result: 29.96 or kinda. b = b / float( # just 2 decimal digits b = round(b, 2) else: raise ValueError else: # no "/" simbol, it should be the fps b = float(self.__dict__['r_frame_rate']) except ValueError: raise FFProbeError('Nothing useful in r_frame_rate') return b
[docs] def get_avg_frame_rate(self): """ Returns the average fps value for the stream """ try: if self.__dict__['avg_frame_rate']: match ="(\d+)(?:/(\d+))?", self.__dict__['avg_frame_rate']) if match: if b = float( if b = b / float( b = round(b, 2) else: raise ValueError else: b = float(self.__dict__['avg_frame_rate']) else: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise FFProbeError('Nothing useful in r_frame_rate') return b